Well I just realized that our Show for July is just ahead, so let's better share those pics from our show on June 26th, shall we? So let's peek behind that curtain once more!
Thanks a lot right at this point to The Minxettes for all the work you put in your sets and how smooth everything went. You're fantastic!! And not to forget Red, or gorgeous emcee - thanks for the fantastic tunes. The mix tonight was absolutely amazing!
Opening number this time was Cordie showing us, what she'd do if she was a boy - i think it would end in fire, if I read this right ;D Thanks for bringing this to stage tonight <3
I graced the stage right in the following... This was a 2nd time showing of my "Desire" set on special request <3 and well.. I didnt have enough time to do anything new this month so I guess it worked out ;)
Plus I got to shoot some more versatile pics of it this time cause well - desire has many facettes...
Aelva showed us the last dance of a little ballerina doll downtown Paris... In a storm of particles and rain clouds, the pirouettes of this little whirlwind raised quite the tornado... Thanks so much for this, Aelva, I am still singing
"La Dernière Danse" in my mind after all this time...
4th set of the night came from Kyra who borrowed a Cordie for backup as they danced through a bright world of diamonds and pearls.
Next was a trip to the 80s with Diawa's interpretation of "Body Language". She had backup support from Vicky and - to no surprise - when you can strip anything down, there's a Kismet right on board as well.. ;)
LOOOOOVED that headshake Di... seriously... most perfect timing! *shifts to zombie voice* <i>'must........ pluck...... your......... braiiiiiiiiiiiiins......'</i>
Oh and of course not show would be complete without the crazy woman on stage... ;)
Kismet did some mad science tonight.. it seemed to go fantastic and well, only the behind-the-scene "...and there went all my attachments" let reason to believe that the experiement got way beyond what was scheduled... ;)
Loved this, Kismet!
So once again a brilliant fun night, thanks to everybody who came out to join us :) And don't forget, if it wasn't for you, these shows wouldn't exist. <3
I am sorry this turned out rather short in writing today, but it's way too early in the morning for my brain to add more information. Will do that again next time I promise.
Dont forget to come by this Friday, July 31st, for one hell of a show cause it'll rock your socks Ladies and Gentlemen ;)